Well, working on different stuff actually! Finished a small demo thing I made when an idea hit me pretty hard! Not sure if I should upload it anywhere, though; it was an idea for an opening cutscene for a game concept I don't know when I'll start working on.
I'm also working on a video! But I've been slow with that and I've noticed stuff with my mental health too; I got some pills to help stop some episodes caused by what I'm assuming is rejection sensitivity, but then it made me realize that if it wasn't for the crying fits, I would just sit there, dissociated (derealization, unable to connect to my thoughts or things around me), once burnout hits or my motivation goes away, or it'll hit when I'm not sure what to do. And if that doesn't happen, I have a headache or my hands' cramp...gotta learn to work with this lol.
Not sure if I can keep up my normal art every wednesday thing anymore. Sorry. :( I never enjoyed it and I want to do stuff based around my stories, not just my characters standing there and looking pretty.
Also, shout-out to animation memes for giving me motivation and inspiration. Been watching this on loop a lot. (flashing + Deltarune spoilers, I think) It's amazing-! /gen
Oh nice!